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Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23648 #27110

June 30, 2023 12:03

Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23648 #27110

I build and sell only @framer templates, that have a very high quality standard. Always. But still I see many creators trying to sell them with a lack of quality. Here are a few tips to get more out of your templates by polishing the right aspects of it. [🧵Thread]

Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23648 #27110
Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23648 #27110
Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23648 #27110
Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23648 #27110

June 30, 2023 12:03

Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23648 #27110

I build and sell only @framer templates, that have a very high quality standard. Always. But still I see many creators trying to sell them with a lack of quality. Here are a few tips to get more out of your templates by polishing the right aspects of it. [🧵Thread]

Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23648 #27110