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Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23655

June 30, 2023 12:09

Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23655

Meet Billify – my new @framer template that lets you send digital invoices to your clients with ease. – Modular components for deliverables – Dark & light mode – FAQ section for conditions – Add payment links easily Launching in a few days. 🔥

Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23655
Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23655
Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23655
Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23655

June 30, 2023 12:09

Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23655

Meet Billify – my new @framer template that lets you send digital invoices to your clients with ease. – Modular components for deliverables – Dark & light mode – FAQ section for conditions – Add payment links easily Launching in a few days. 🔥

Cédric 🏴 on Twitter #23655