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Using Rem value for Font Sizes and Creating Responsive Texts

May 5, 2023 21:04

Using Rem value for Font Sizes and Creating Responsive Texts

Hi everyone, I just created a code override that allows you to use the rem value for font sizes. I also created a function that dynamically changes font sizes based on the screen width. I combined both functions into one code override. Follow me on...

Using Rem value for Font Sizes and Creating Responsive Texts
Using Rem value for Font Sizes and Creating Responsive Texts
Using Rem value for Font Sizes and Creating Responsive Texts
Using Rem value for Font Sizes and Creating Responsive Texts

May 5, 2023 21:04

Using Rem value for Font Sizes and Creating Responsive Texts

Hi everyone, I just created a code override that allows you to use the rem value for font sizes. I also created a function that dynamically changes font sizes based on the screen width. I combined both functions into one code override. Follow me on...

Using Rem value for Font Sizes and Creating Responsive Texts