Framer Tutorial: No-Code 3D Tilted Scrolling for Your Website
Warm Welcome
Hello, Framer enthusiasts! Get ready to learn an impressive scroll effect in today’s tutorial. Grab your free Framer account and join us on this exciting journey. We promise no coding is required.
Inspiration and Overview
Let’s kickstart this tutorial by revealing our inspiration, none other than the brilliantly crafted portfolio by Andreas Anton. Our objective here is to replicate his unique tilted scrollbar effect using Framer. Intrigued? You should be. It goes a long way in showcasing the endless possibilities you can achieve when you let your imagination roam free in the universe of Framer Showcase!
Initiating Framer Project
We start with a basic frame, set to a black ground and extend its vertical length to 3500. The essential trick here is setting the layout in a vertical stack with a zero gap. As your first frame, this one will remain sticky, hovering at the top of the viewport as visitors scroll down. But remember, its fill colour should be removed and rename it ‘Main’ for clarity.
Creating Frames and Adding Images
Inside the Mainframe, draw another frame to hold the images, assign it a fixed width of 1200, and give it the stickiness attribute. We’ll continue our journey in the magical realm of Framer Tutorials by creating multiple frames inside this image frame. These new frames will house our images and should have a fill width and a height of 600. Duplicate them five times to hold five images. Populating these image frames is easy by sourcing from Unsplash available in Framer.
Establishing Scroll Effect
Now comes the fascinating part! We establish our scroll effect by applying a ‘Scroll Transform’ to all images. The ‘Scroll Transform’ effect alters the Y-axis as you scroll through your site, resulting in the images smoothly moving upwards. Ensuring top-notch user experience requires trial and error. Adjust the offset among different states till you’re satisfied with the scroll speed. One potential offset could be -3500 for a smooth, effortless scrolling experience.
3D Transformation
Let’s amp up the design by tilting the whole images frame! Simply rotate it by -7 and voila, you have visually appealing scrolling images on your page. For a finishing touch, grant some 3D effect to the images by adding large circles to the sides of the frame. This gives a rounded, warped appearance to the entire scroll effect. Remember to set the frame’s overflow to ‘visible’ to avoid hidden parts of your images as they move out.
Final Word
Inconcusively, let your creativity soar and experiment with different Framer Templates to create your distinctive variants of this scroll effect. You never know, it might inspire other Framer Experts and feature in our Success Stories!