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CMS Update: Previous / Next Items, Hide & Show Fields, and More

Learn about the latest CMS updates including easy integration of previous/next navigation links, and new visibility options for fields. Watch as we demonstrate these flexible new features.

Enhancements to the Framer CMS: Linking, Visibility, and Metadata Management

In a recent update, Framer introduced several key features to its CMS that streamline navigation and content management, enhancing the overall user experience for developers and content managers alike. Ido, a developer from Framer, provides an insightful walkthrough of these new functionalities, emphasizing their practicality in real-world applications.

Seamless Navigation with Previous and Next Links

The introduction of previous and next navigation links in detailed CMS pages marks a significant improvement, addressing a common user request for better navigational flow. The update simplifies the process of adding these links to existing pages, a task that can be managed effortlessly through the CMS’s insert menu. Users can drag the ‘preview next’ option onto their pages, where it configures automatically, pulling the title from the subsequent item along with a small arrow icon to indicate directionality.

Configuring Navigation Links

Setting up these navigational links involves a few straightforward steps. By accessing the component settings, users can toggle between enabled and disabled states for these links. This functionality is crucial for maintaining a coherent user experience, particularly on the last page of a content series where the next button should logically be disabled to avoid leading users to a non-existent page. The process involves assigning a ‘next’ variable, which is then used to dictate the visibility and state of the navigation button based on whether the next content piece is available.

Dynamic Field Visibility in CMS

Another significant enhancement is the ability to dynamically show or hide fields within the CMS. This feature is particularly useful for customizing the CMS interface to better suit specific project needs or user preferences. Through a new menu labeled ‘show on click’, users can manage the visibility of various fields in their collection, adding a layer of customization that was previously unavailable.

Introduction of Metadata Display Capabilities

Framer has also rolled out new features that allow users to display created and edited metadata within the CMS. This addition is invaluable for content managers who need to track or revert changes based on the creation or last edited dates. It’s important to note that this metadata collection started on September 10, 2024, so any items created before this date won’t have metadata displayed.

Workflow Improvements and Multi-Reference Rearrangement

The latest updates include several workflow enhancements designed to simplify content management processes. Features such as one-click draft selection and improved right-click menus enhance productivity by making common tasks more accessible and intuitive. Additionally, Framer has responded to user feedback by enabling the rearrangement of multi-references per field directly within the CMS, reflecting changes immediately on the live canvas.

These updates not only respond to user feedback but also reflect Framer’s commitment to continuous improvement and user-centric design. For those looking to dive deeper into how these features can be leveraged to enhance their projects, visiting Framer Tutorials can provide additional insights and practical guidance. Moreover, exploring Framer Showcase offers a glimpse into how other professionals are implementing these new tools in creative and effective ways.

Ido’s demonstration underscores the practical applications of these features, making it clear that Framer is dedicated to providing tools that are not only powerful but also flexible enough to meet the diverse needs of its user base. For those interested in exploring more about Framer’s capabilities or seeking professional guidance, visiting Framer Experts can connect you with seasoned professionals who specialize in maximizing the potential of Framer’s features.

Explain Like I'm 5 Summary

How To: Use CMS Updates in Framer for Improved Navigation and Customization

  • Add links to previous and next items on CMS pages by accessing the insert menu and selecting the fields category.
  • Drag the preview next field onto your page to automatically enable navigation links.
  • Set up visibility conditions in the properties to show navigation links only when applicable.
  • Use the content variable to display the title from the next item, adding a navigation arrow for clarity.
  • Customize navigation by using components with enabled and disabled variants for better user interaction.
  • Create a link variable and assign the next variable through the add menu for effective linking.
  • Adjust the variant property to show the enabled state when the next item is available and disabled otherwise.
  • Explore the new CMS view menu to show or hide fields in your collection by clicking on the top right options.
  • Utilize the added metadata for creation and edited dates to sort items effectively, noting that data collection starts from September 10, 2024.
  • Manage drafts and collections efficiently with improved right-click menus and one-click actions.
  • Rearrange multi-references per field to reflect changes immediately in the canvas.
  • For detailed guidance, visit Framer Tutorials.
  • Explore Framer Templates for ready-to-use designs.
  • Check out innovative projects at Framer Showcase.